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European Council agreement a monumental step forward, but MFF priorities need revisiting-Fitzgerald

Frances Fitzgerald

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Frances Fitzgerald, MEP for Dublin today (Thursday) welcomed the agreement reached at the European Council on Tuesday morning, but notes that the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) priorities need revisiting.

“The MFF and Next Generation EU are Europe’s opportunity to build a continent that is resilient and ready for the future. This is European solidarity at its best.”

“This agreement is historic in its size but we must make sure that the priorities addressed are also historic in preparing for the Europe of tomorrow. Funding for climate adaptation, research and youth cannot be sacrificed going forward. These programmes must be adequately funded if the European Union is going to address the challenges of the 21st century. These funds are crucial."

“Therefore I strongly support the European Parliament’s resolution today, which highlights our regret at these cuts. I would hope to see these cuts addressed in the inter-institutional negotiations to come in the coming weeks and months."

“In addition, a weak approach to the Rule of Law is deeply regrettable. The EU at its core is a union of values, and these cannot be traded away at the negotiation table. A re-examination of the Rule of Law mechanism is essential."

“Gender mainstreaming is central to the Parliament’s resolution (paragraph 16). I have campaigned strongly within the Parliament and the EPP Group to ensure gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting in the MFF and the Recovery Package (Next Generation EU). I welcome the Parliament’s highlighting of the importance of gender sensitivity in the allocation of funds. I sincerely hope to see this included in the final outcome after the inter-institutional negotiations.”

“I think that this expression of European solidarity bodes well for the future of our European democracies.”


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